Stay focused on the main areas of your activity and use the data that accounting reports provide you
We are all managers! Some better than others, of course. But, in our daily lives, we all have to make management decisions that affect us directly and those who share with us the various “trips” in which we are involved.
There are many performance indicators that are an essential aid for making an informed decision, some that are used in a general way, regardless of the activity sector, and others that are specific to the activity sector in which each company develops its business.
Today we will address one of the areas in our opinion that is very important:
- Do you keep an up-to-date record of your sales and your company’s various sales channels?
- What are the sources of your sales?
- Which products or services have the greatest weight in your results and what has been the evolution in the last two years?
- Do you keep up-to-date an analysis of the gross margins achieved with the sales of your products or services?
- Are your sales investments focused on products or services with the highest return?
- Are your sales seasonal? What are the implications for your stocks?
- What is the weight of your credit sales versus cash sales?
These are some examples of questions you should be able to answer. A detailed analysis of your sales results can help you make corrections, either in terms of investments or in terms of the margins generated by your products or services.
The informed decisions you make can transform your business