G-Finance started back in 2009, at a time when the great international financial crisis was at its peak. We got down to business because we felt the need for companies to discover new insights and ways of managing their business.
We trusted on the success of our project because we realized how important it was for our customers to have a partner, capable of adding to their data. We believed we had the tools, the resources to be different in the way accounting and consulting services are usually provided, going much deeper and beyond the simple approach at accounting services as a form of organizing, classifying, and accounting for the documents.
There was a world of opportunities to be discovered underneath the documents that the customers´s businesses produced.
A world that was not limited to simple tasks of adding, subtracting and statistics, a world of data from which value could be extracted and in which answers could be found to help the decision-making process and, more importantly, to allow customers to be in charge, to be at the helm, confident of being in possession of current and reliable information that would help them to take their vessel and their crew to a safe harbour, despite the turbulent and difficult sea in which everybody was navigating.
In today´s environment, when this pandemic crisis has quickly turned into an economic crisis that will probably get worse before getting better, it becomes even more important and crucial to find your trustworthy accounting partner for your business, someone who can really add hours of sleep to your life, adding value to your company.